Rent the Runway

I have used Rent the Runway throughout the past few years for special events with great success. After having had my (massive) babies my body changed tremendously and it was daunting for me to order online as I never quite knew how things will fit. Well, my relationship with the product  changed when RTR launched their unlimited subscription. With a hub located in Neiman Marcus in San Francisco, I am able to take 4 pieces out at any given time. I can use the app or drop by to return & pick up new pieces. The 4 pieces can cycle throughout the month - so if you are efficient, you could take out a dozen pieces a month! 

Last week I popped in to find a dress for my husband's 40th birthday. The event called for cocktail attire but I wanted something a bit special - and I found just that. I was met an adorable gal in the shop who helped me navigate pieces. Available to you are casual to formal wear, jewelry and handbags.

The main reason I joined RTR unlimited was because I wanted to organize my life in all aspects - which means purging and keeping a smaller wardrobe. I have limited time to shop, so I was forever spending on impulse purchases or whatever I could gather in a 30 minute kid free shopping experience. Inevitably it would be a fair weather purchase & in a pile on my floor of discarded pieces in no time. With RTR, there's no wasted funds on clothes that you no longer love - simply send them back. 

A few other perks I am loving: 

  • You can book an appointment with a stylist & they'll help you navigate trends (what's that?!). They have also launched maternity & you can meet with a maternity stylist. How many of us wanted to burn our coveted 12 piece maternity wardrobe by the end of our 9 months?! RTR to the rescue. Wear & Return! 
  • Its really fun to accessorize economically - you can borrow earrings, necklaces & clutches! I even tried on a fun Zac Posen Backpack - super fun!
  • It's helped me organize my calendar. I used to spend a lot of time digging (literally) through my clothes to figure out what to wear. NOW, I look at my calendar and order the outfits I need for that week or two. Fun committee or work dinner? Rent a blouse
  • I'm falling back in love with fashion. I get excited to wear a Shoshanna or Sail To Sable dress. Having watched these two brands flourish in NYC, I get to tap back into my inner Carrie. 
  • When I am in the shop, I try pieces on & have the gals mark them as my favorites. Then, when I have an event I just check my list & pull from it.
  • It's encouraged me to get out & be more social. I feel better about myself now that I have outfits planned & I look forward to putting engagements on the calendar. The busier I am, the more I get done! 

Use my code for $30 off your first order.

See two of my most recent rentals to the right!
